Computer Training Room | Universiti Putra Malaysia
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Computer Training Room


The InfoComm Development Centre (iDEC) is an ICT training provider appointed by the UPM Registrar's Office. iDEC has the role of managing ICT training and providing basic facilities such as a computerized training laboratory to meet the teaching and learning needs of UPM staff.

There are two (2) computerized training rooms, the Exa Training Room and the Zetta Training Room located at iDEC Alpha. Exa Training Room has 15 computer units and Zetta has 30 VDI computer units. All these training laboratories are equipped with laptops for instructors, LCD projectors, printers, screens, PA systems and internet access facilities while the basic software provided is Microsoft Office, SPSS, SAS and some multimedia software.

The above training room are not charged if they are used for official university training purposes involving UPM staff.

For reservation of the computer training room:

  1. UPM Staff : Please access the Sistem Perkhidmatan ICT (Click on the Borang Permohonan, and select Perkhidmatan Lain).
  2. Other Agencies : Please contact Puan Nur Farhanis Sabri at 03-9769 1215.

Updated:: 26/06/2023 [zuraya]


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 1000