Industrial Linkages | Universiti Putra Malaysia
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Industrial Linkages

The local industry is among the leading stakeholders of the University. The University needs industry cooperation in teaching and learning, curriculum development, research, consultancy and training for students and staff. This network is established through Memoranda of Understanding and Memoranda of Agreement.

Curriculum Design

Feedback from the industry is needed for the development of a new curriculum or the revision of an existing curriculum. The faculty appoints a representative from the industry (related to the programmes offered) to provide input of industry needs regarding anticipated graduates.


There are two forms of research collaboration required from the industry:-

  1. To conduct research together to produce the product -- In this context, UPM researchers identify the possible products to research on, then invite the industry to market them
  2. To work together with the Industry to utilise the expertise available in the University to undertake research on the products that have been specified.


The industry utilises the expertise of the University for a study on programmes they develop. Once the University officials have carried out a research, they will inform the Industry of the results and propose improvements to be made

Training Places for Students and Staff

The University will work with the industry to accommodate students for industrial training and professional training staff.

For more information on industrial training, please contact the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Industry and Community Relations)

Updated:: 13/05/2019 [hairul_nizam]


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 1000